Articles on: Shop

Product Details

Product Details

When you add a new product in your Booqi admin page, you will be required to enter the product details such as the price, tax, date selection, time slots etc. The product details are very important for displaying to the customers. Let us get familiar with them.

Title and Description

Title: The name of the product that you want to display to the customers.
Description: Description for your product which is informing and attractive to the customers.

Price, Tax, and Capacity

Price: Select the price that you want to charge your customers from the drop-down list.

Fixed price: Fixed price for the product. If you select fixed price, then the fields under the Date Selection tab are grayed out. You cannot make changes them.
Day: Price which is charged according to the day of the week. For example, if its a Saturday or Sunday, the customer is charged more than the usual price. You can add a specific price for each day under the Date Selection tab.
Timeslot: Price which is charged according to the time slot. You can add the specific price for each time slot under the Time Slot tab.
Target audience: Price which is charged according to the target audience. You can add the specific price for each time slot under the Target Audience tab.

Tax: Select the type of Tax you want to add to your total price.

Capacity: Select the Capacity for the product. For example, you can set a specific capacity for a particular day or time slot.

Advance Options

Select the advance options for your product, if required.

Minimum quantity per order: The minimum number of tickets per order.
Maximum quantity per order: The maximum number of tickets per order.
Maximum number of times to check in: Number of times you want the customer to check in.
Ticket template: Template which you want to use for the ticket. For information about templates, and creating them click here.
Email confirmation: Turn on the checkbox if you want an email confirmation. If there is no email address, click Setup to set up an email address.

Date Selection

To correctly manage the museum capacity, you can use the Date Selection tool to specify the price of each day in combination with an available capacity. You can also specify the number of bookable days in advance, and select the exceptional days as required.

Day: This shows the list of all days of the week. You can select the checkbox on a particular as per your requirements.
Price: The price that you want to specify for each day of the week.
Capacity: Number of people that you want to allow for each of the week.
Bookable days in advance: The number of days that you want your customers to book the tickets in advance along with the time. Duration units can be Hours or Minutes.
Exceptional days: The days on which you want your shop to be closed. Select the beginning and the end date.

Time slots

Time slots allow you set specific time slots and decide the price and capacity accordingly. That means you can divide a delivery day into multiple ranges of hours. For example:

Morning: 8:00 am – 11:00 am
Afternoon: 11:00 pm – 14:00 pm
Evening: 14:00 pm -- 17:00 pm

This allows the customers, to select one of the time slot when they make a purchase in the storefront.

If you want to add a new slot, click Add slot
Select the Start time and the End time
Enter the Price
Select the Capacity from the drop-down list

Target Audience

This tab allows you to create different age groups, and set specific prices accordingly. For example, if you want to set a discounted price for children, and students with a valid id, you can add it here.

Regular: This tab shows the list of target audiences, along with the description and price.

Click Add Target Audience to add a new one.
Enter the Name, Description, and Price accordingly.

Group: This tab shows the groups of target audiences, along with the description and price.

Click Add Target Audience to add a new one.
Enter the Name, Description, and Price accordingly.


The idea of the upsell is to offer a customer already purchasing an item an exclusive offer on another. It allows you to offer customers discounts on related products.

Upsells which are available are listed here. Select the Toggle button to Green if you want to add the Upsell to the order.
If you want to add a new Upsell, click Shop->Upsells.


This section allows you to link a category your product. Select the Toggle button to Green if you want to link the Category to the order.

Updated on: 30/11/2021

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