Articles on: Book moments

Adding timeslots through a CSV file

Upload book times

If you have different time slots every day for a certain entrance product/article, you will probably find that the standard days and time slots configurator in does not help you. You can then choose not to use the configurator but to upload your complete calendar as a CSV file. You can read how to do that here:

In the Admin panel, go to: Shop > Products > New product > then tick ‘Days’ and ‘Time slots’ (Target groups too if you need them).
You now just create a product as you normally do but don't enter anything in the days and time slots. Click the ‘Book times’ button at the top right.

You get to the next screen, choose ‘Upload’ at the top right here

You will then come to the following screen where you can download and view our CSV template. Fill it in completely with your bookmarks and upload it in the upload field.

Important information

Note! When using this feature, please note the following;

- Once you upload a CSV, you can no longer edit the opening times/time slots of this product via Booqi, only via CSV files.
- You must then before end date do a new upload to extend your bookable period.
- Your current active booking times (which were not created via CSV upload) will be deleted, as these are still automatically generated.
- If your price/capacitytype is set to day or time slot, these will be adjusted to the price and capacity of the booking moment from the CSV.
- It is possible to keep prices set to fix and target i.c.w. CSV upload, you can use 0 as the value of column PRICE in your CSV.
- It is possible to keep capacity set to no/unlimited capacity i.c.m. CSV upload, you can use 0 as a value of column CAPACITY in your CSV.

File format & format .
- A CSV file should use ,, ; or | as a delimeter/separator. Other characters are not supported.
- All 5 columns should be included at all times, value of PRICE and/or CAPACITY may contain 0 (see above).
- For date format, YYYY-MM-DD should be used, example: 2020-01-01 for ‘1 January 2020’.
- For time format, HH:II should be used as a 24-hour format, example: 10:00 for ‘10 pm’ and 22:00 for ‘10 pm’.
- For price format, 0.00 should be used. For cents, use not a comma but a full stop.

A sample file can be downloaded here.

Updated on: 18/11/2024

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