Adding timeslots through a CSV file
Upload book times If you have different time slots every day for a certain entrance product/article, you will probably find that the standard days and time slots configurator in does not help you. You can then choose not to use the configurator but to upload your complete calendar as a CSV file. You can read how to do that here: In the Admin panel, go to: Shop Products New product then tick ‘Days’ and ‘Time slots’ (Target groups too if you need them). You now just create a prFew readersHow to change the prices for an individual time slot
Book moments are created for each product. Yet we find that it is sometimes necessary to adjust the price of a specific moment, for example. How to do this is explained in this article. To get started, first go to: "Products"click on your specific product click on "Book moments" at the top right. You then come to the following screen: Then click on the pencil icon for the speciFew readersHow to delete a booking moment entirely?
When you have created a product, book moments are generated for this product. However, we find that it is sometimes necessary to adjust these moments even though it is possible that orders have already been placed in a certain book moment/time slot. To get started, first go to: "Products"click on your specific product click on "Book moments" at the top right. You will then come to the following screen: ( readersHow can I adjust book times or my schedule?
Per product we work with Book Moments it may be that you close for a few days or you may not want to display certain book moments online anymore. You will then want to adjust the book moments. Think about whether this is a temporary change or a longer period. There are several options to do this. If only a few book months are involved, it is easiest to delete the specific book moments. How to do that read here. If it is for aFew readersHow can I change availability for an existing book moment?
Book moments are created for each product, with a certain capacity. Yet we find that it is sometimes necessary to adjust these moments even though orders may have already been placed in a certain book moment/time slot. How to do this we will explain further in this article. To get started, first go to: “Products"click on your specific product click on ‘Book times’ at the top right. You then come to the following screen: ( readersBook Moments
Book moments Book moments shows you the details of a product such as date, price, time slots and the capacities created while entering the product details. Each time slot has a capacity, which indicates the maximum number of visitors that can be allowed in the time slot at the same time. It lets you know when the capacity is full for a particular time slot. Visitors can only make bookings for predefined time slots and they canSome readers