Rebook orders
Within it is possible to let the customer rebook the order themselves, you do this by sending a rebooking link to your customer. You do this by going as admin to Settings General scroll through until you see the rebooking link. You will then see the following screen: Rebook URL Then you can set this link to active or inactive. When you copy the URL you can send it to tFew readersRebooking Tickets
For visitors and administrators it is possible to rebook already booked tickets. For this, however, a rebooking must be allowed from your system. First go to: Settings Check “Allow rebooking” and click save. Rebooking-allowed ( Once the shop allows rebooking, copy the link from the field and paste it into your browser. Rebooking page ( readersHow to use coupons
Within you can enter your own discount coupons. To do this you can go to "Coupons" on the left and click "Create" to make a new coupon. Coupon Creation In the following screen you will have the options to configure your own coupon. The main details are described here. Name: this name is only for your own internal use. Code: This will be the code itself that your cFew readersOrders
Orders Orders are created and displayed when a customer completes a check out process. Understanding Orders is very important for running your business. You can manage all of your orders on the Orders area of Booqi. In this section, you will understand: * Viewing Orders * Editing Orders (/en/article/PopularViewing Orders
Viewing Orders Orders screen is main page where you can view, edit, and manage all your orders. This screen also gives you a brief overview of how many orders are have been created, the status of each order, and the total amount of every order. To access this page, go to Booqi Orders Let us understand each and every detail of the Orders screen. ID: This is the uniquePopularEditing Orders
Editing Orders The orders page is a very important page for you to view and update the order details. When you click on an order number, the details of the order is displayed. Data The customer details such as Name, Phone number and the Email address is shown in the Data section. Products This tab shows the products or the tickets which are purchased inPopular