Articles on: General settings

Connect with Paypal payments

To start using Paypal for your payments please use the following guide

Go to the following link and login in to your paypal account.
You will see following screen where you will have to create an app first.


Give the app a name like “booqime” and click “merchant”and click create app. As shown in example:


You will now be taken to the screen with API credentials. You will need the Client ID and Secret Key to attach your account with
Please copy these details and store them to use later.

Then you scroll all the way down to sandbox webhooks. There you will need to click the button “Add webhook”.
At “Webhook URL" enter the value, where the value of ORGANISATION is your subdomain.

Check the radio button with “All events” and click “Save”.

Please notice the different remarks on page that paypal will give to let you know if you are in sandbox or in live mode. There is a toggle on the right that lets you switch between sandbox and live mode. The sandbox mode is important for testing purposes to see if all settings are correct before going live.


Please make sure that your app is added to both live and sandbox mode. Click on the toggle live to go to live mode.

Copy your Cient ID and Secret Key


Now you go to you Booqi Admin panel, click “settings”, click PSP’s and click “Add new"


Click paypal in the dropdown and fill in your correct details and click Save. Paypal should now be connected.
Please test this step thoroughly, or ask us to help you. The sandbox account gives you the option to test without having to maken actual payments.

Please always make sure that live/test mode is always in line with what you selected at the dropdown in the general settings.
Whenever Paypal live mode is set > always make sure that "Settings" > "General" > "Payment mode" > Set to "LIVE"
Whenever Paypal Sandbox mode is set > always make sure that "Settings" > "General" > "Payment mode" > Set to "TEST"

Please notice that you will have to wait 5 minutes after changing your keys. Paypal works with Oauth and this is refreshed every 5 minutes. If you change keys and immediately test it, the keys are not active yet.

Updated on: 10/09/2024

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